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Blind Vs. Legally Blind (What Is Legal Blindness)

If you are thinking about your eye issues without the glass, it doesn't mean that you are legally blind. About 80% of people with legal blindness stil
If you are thinking about your eye issues without the glass, it doesn't mean that you are legally blind. About 80% of people with legal blindness still have some form of usable vision.
blind vs. legally blind

What does it mean to be blind vs. legally blind.

What is legally blind, the whole country in the world, including the United states, has a legal definition that constitutes what legal blindness is. Legal blindness is when somebody has central visual acuity, meaning their central vision what is straight ahead of them is “2200 or less” in his or her better seeing eye with correction, that means even with the best pair of glasses the best contacts or surgery the very best they can see is 2200 or worse.

Just for example, in comparison, if somebody is sitting in the exam room here and they look at this image No1
this is what a 2020 letter
This is what a 2020 letter

but the image No2
this is what a 2200 letter
This is what a 2200 letter, these are the big 
There is another part of the definition of legal blindness and that has to do with somebody's side vision
side vision
Somebody's ability to see off to their farther sides is reduced, then they may also have legal blindness and somebody truly is blind and they can't see anything and that as having NLP ( No Light Perception ).

How to deal with vision loss

It is very difficult for either yourself if you ever have to go through this or maybe a family member it can be scary and a lot of peoples, even feel very just hopeless about their eyesight and what their future holds for them, but thankfully there are whole sub-specialties in eye care and other services that are completely dedicated to helping people with vision loss, low vision and legal blindness.

Low vision specialists, eye doctors and therapists really work together to help not only prescribe magnifiers and other vision aids, but also with rehabilitation to help people really navigate the world around them and become as independent as possible in functioning in their world.

If you or one of your  friend or a family member is kind of facing vision loss right now for any reason and you're just not sure where to start to find these sort of helpful services at the very least, we will linking some website Urls,
so what you can find those and at least begin your journey and with low vision and services for the blind the earlier people get introduced these services this help the better it is.

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